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Code Generation: Large Language Models vs Template-Driven Techniques


The evolution of AI and natural language processing has given rise to powerful platforms like ChatGPT, which can generate human-like text, including code snippets. However, when it comes to code generation, there are different approaches, including using large language models and traditional template-driven techniques. In this blog, we will explore the pros and cons of using large language model-driven platforms like ChatGPT for code generation compared to template-driven procedural techniques.

1. Pros of Using Large Language Model-Driven Platforms (ChatGPT)

Flexibility and Adaptability: Large language models like ChatGPT can generate code in multiple programming languages, making them highly versatile. This adaptability enables developers to use a single model for various tasks without having to create separate templates for each programming language.

Natural Language Interface: ChatGPT allows developers to interact with the model using natural language. This ease of communication makes it more accessible to developers who may not be as proficient in coding or template-driven approaches.

Creative Solutions: Language models can propose code solutions that developers might not have considered otherwise. This creativity can lead to innovative solutions and new approaches to solving coding problems.

Reduced Boilerplate Code: Language models can assist in reducing boilerplate code by generating the repetitive parts automatically. This can save time and effort, allowing developers to focus on higher-level tasks.

Learning from Data: Large language models are trained on vast datasets, including open-source code repositories. As a result, they may learn coding patterns and best practices from real-world examples, leading to more robust and reliable code generation.

2. Cons of Using Large Language Model-Driven Platforms (ChatGPT)

Lack of Context Understanding: Language models may generate syntactically correct but semantically incorrect code. They lack a deep understanding of context, which can lead to code that doesn't meet the actual requirements.

Security Risks: AI-generated code can introduce security vulnerabilities, as it's difficult to predict what the model will generate. Code reviews and security testing are essential to identify and mitigate potential threats.

Complexity and Debugging: Generated code can be complex, making debugging and maintenance challenging. Code developed with templates may be more straightforward to read and understand.

Overfitting and Bias: Large language models can overfit on training data and reproduce code snippets verbatim, leading to lack of diversity and originality. Additionally, AI models may inherit biases present in the data they were trained on, potentially propagating bias into the generated code.

3. Pros of Template-Driven Procedural Code Generation Techniques

Control and Predictability: With template-driven approaches, developers have more control over the generated code. They can fine-tune templates to suit specific requirements and ensure predictable outcomes.

Maintainability: Code generated using templates is often more maintainable, as developers can easily comprehend the structure and flow of the generated code. This simplifies future modifications and extensions.

Lower Resource Consumption: Template-driven code generation generally requires fewer resources compared to large language models. This can be crucial in resource-constrained environments.

4. Cons of Template-Driven Procedural Code Generation Techniques

Language and Platform Limitations: Template-driven techniques are often bound to a specific programming language and platform, requiring separate templates for different environments.

Limited Creativity: Traditional templates are pre-defined, limiting the variety of code that can be generated. It may not offer innovative solutions or consider all possible coding patterns.

Increased Development Effort: Developing and maintaining templates can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially for complex projects.


Both large language model-driven platforms like ChatGPT and template-driven procedural code generation techniques have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to code generation. While language models offer flexibility and natural language interaction, template-driven approaches provide more control and predictability.

The choice between these methods depends on the specific project requirements, developer expertise, and the desired trade-offs between flexibility and control. Combining the strengths of both approaches, such as using ChatGPT to assist in generating initial code and then refining it with template-driven techniques, could be a promising approach for achieving efficient, secure, and maintainable code generation. Ultimately, developers must use these tools responsibly and strike a balance between leveraging AI capabilities and retaining their expertise to ensure the delivery of high-quality, reliable, and secure code.