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The Risks Involved with Using ChatGPT for C# Code Generation


Artificial Intelligence has made significant advancements in recent years, and one of the most exciting developments is the emergence of language models like ChatGPT. These AI-powered language models can generate human-like textual outputs, which has proven useful in various applications. However, when it comes to using ChatGPT for C# code generation, there are potential risks and challenges that CTOs, architects, and developers should be aware of. In this blog, we will explore these risks and discuss best practices for using ChatGPT in C# development.

1. Lack of Understanding Context

ChatGPT is a powerful language model, but it lacks a deep understanding of code context and requirements. When generating C# code, it may produce syntactically correct but semantically incorrect code that could lead to bugs, vulnerabilities, performance pitfalls, and and long-term maintainability deficits. Developers must carefully review and validate the generated code to ensure its correctness and conformity to security standards, coding best practices, and solution architecture.

2. Security Concerns

Using AI-generated code introduces security risks, as it is challenging to predict and control the code that ChatGPT might generate. It's possible for malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities in the generated code, leading to data breaches, code injection, or other cyberattacks. Before integrating ChatGPT-generated code into production systems, rigorous security testing and code reviews are essential. This last point becomes ever more important as deadlines approach as every organization knows those points in time where governance abates in favor of project completion. In short, code generation with ChatGPT or other large language model-driven algorithms should be considered untenable without robust organizational policy defined around use-cases, careful code-review, and overall architectural governance practices in place.

3. Reliance on Unmaintainable Code

ChatGPT may produce code that works but is not maintainable long-term. It could lack proper organization, comments, and adherence to best practices. As a result, developers may find it difficult to understand, modify, or extend the generated codebase. To address this, it's crucial for organizations to produce and maintain robust solution and technical architectures, coding standards, and organized development processes and ensure that the generated code follows industry best practices.

4. Compliance and Legal Issues

If ChatGPT-generated code violates any licensing agreements, copyrights, or intellectual property rights, it could lead to legal complications. Developers must be cautious when using ChatGPT to avoid infringing on others' code and ensure that the generated code complies with all necessary licenses and regulations. From another perspective, developers who submit proprietary code to ChatGPT prompts may unintentionally leak intellectual property into the datasets that could be used to train future models and produce outcomes for other ChatGPT users. Put simply, ChatGPT users might be unknowingly giving away your organizational secrets and intellectual property to your competitors or malicious actors.

5. Overfitting and Bias

Language models like ChatGPT are trained on vast datasets, which means they can unintentionally memorize and reproduce code snippets from their training data. This behavior, known as overfitting, can be problematic as it leads to code similarity issues and lack of originality. Additionally, AI models might inherit biases present in their training data, which could be propagated into the generated code. It's crucial to diversify the training data and use filtering techniques to reduce bias and prevent overfitting. The availability of data and the cadence of model training also necessarily lags behind the release of new software development kits, platform features, and breaking changes. Thus, generated outputs will always be less modern than what human developers who keep up-to-date can produce.

6. Performance and Efficiency

AI-generated code might not be optimized for performance and efficiency. Code generated by ChatGPT could be verbose and consume more system resources than necessary, leading to suboptimal application performance. Developers need to thoroughly review and optimize the generated code to ensure it meets performance requirements.

7. Scope of Generated Code

Use of ChatGPT to produce quality outcomes involves various considerations:

  • Generated result depends heavily on quality of prompting
  • Generated results can be different from request to request
  • Capability and quality of generated results for new coding paradigms, platforms, versions, etc. depends on how recent the information used to train the model is
  • Developer skillsets get more tuned over time toward prompt engineering than software engineering

ChatGPT code-generation is most relevant for snippet-to-feature-level use-cases, rather than whole solution-level. As the scope of the request broadens from simple snippet to feature-level:

  • Response variability increases
  • Adheres to technical architecture, code-standards, scrum-team-coding-preferences decreases 
  • Likelihood that generated response is the most performant option decreases
  • Likelihood that generated response is the most maintainable decreases
  • Likelihood that generated response contains vulnerabilities increases
  • Requirement to add proprietary organizational intellectual property in order to optimize result increases
  • Developer coding experience and skill requirements to qualify the generated code for inclusion into greater codebase increases

8. Technical Knowledge and Proficiency

Producing and maintaining excellence over the entire software development life cycle for custom-coded solutions requires staff that understand the code on a deep level. Architects and developers must be experts in their domains who can defend all design and implementation decisions related to the products they produce and support. It isn't enough to be an implementer of code that "works".  Professionals need to understand why and how their code works best to generate value for their organizations, as this results in the best products and the best teams who are able to upskill and grow efficiently together. Copy-pasting code from ChatGPT to build implementations, features, and solutions can produce indefensible hodgepodge products and teams who do not have full knowledge over the products they produce and support. This leads to low-quality products with poor support and troubleshooting capabilities, and it robs staff of the chances to grow in their profession.


AI-powered language models like ChatGPT have tremendous potential in various domains, including code generation. However, when using ChatGPT for C# code generation, developers should be aware of the risks involved. To mitigate these risks, thorough code review, security testing, and adherence to industry best practices are vital. Furthermore, developers should continue to rely on their expertise and judgment while leveraging AI as an aid in the development process rather than a replacement for human coding efforts. By using ChatGPT responsibly, developers can harness its capabilities to enhance productivity and efficiency in C# development while maintaining code quality and security.

Helpful Links

How Secure is Code Generated by ChatGPT
How to Use ChatGPT to Write Code
Gartner Identifies Six ChatGPT Risks Legal and Compliance Must Evaluate
Two Cybersecurity Concerns When Using ChatGPT For Software Development
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Top 5 AI Risks in the Era of ChatGPT and Generative AI
The Risks of Using ChatGPT to Write Client-Side-Code